Chapter 5: A Dinosaur Rampage!

Nyamat Boparai
3 min readApr 28, 2022
Photo by Lucas George Wendt on Unsplash

After the interview I looked around and I loved the BIG windows because it offered lots of sunshine. I had moved around the center a lot so when walls touched my scratched spots it pained. We were told we were going to be moving to a hotel the day after tomorrow. So I had them write down every detail about in case of an emergency exit.

At lunch we had a bowl of vegetable salad mixed with cut pieces of toasted garlic bread and topped with a refreshing, glittering, glass of water. Halfway through lunch I saw buildings tumble and disappear through the window. A chill went down my spine and I felt like I should say something. I broke the silence by saying: “Don’t you think something is going on outside?”

Everyone looked at me and then the window. Claire looked at me, tilting her head, slightly in disbelief but as if she understood my worry. Then she walked closer to the window. I walked behind her. She asked: Where? I pointed at the rocks, and fallen buildings or places the building used to be. Before anyone else could even speak, the building started moving backwards! Me and Claire almost hit the table with our backs but thankfully my Dad and Owen quickly moved the table!

Then the building moved back to position which jerked me forward while everyone else was holding the railings. I crashed through the window! I landed on…on…a T-REX!!!! I WAS RIDING A T-REX!

Maisie and Kylie saw me fall out so they jumped with our parents/guardians! The whole street was flooded with dinosaurs! Maisie landed on a triceratops, Kylie landed on a brachiosaurus, Mom landed on a dilophosaurus, Owen landed on a Stygimoloch, Dad landed on a plateosaurus and Claire landed on a carnotaurus!

It was really fun (after we cooled down after such a shock) Me, Kylie and Maisie kept jumping around on top of dinosaurs and the grown ups were not too worried, because like I said the dinosaurs flooded the streets and did not mind it. It was like a dino traffic jam! But I did not say they were not COMPLETELY worried. They told us to be careful every 10 minutes at least.

Then, we made hand gestures to the news reporters for them to come with us. They made gestures like no way! I can’t blame them. That drop can be scary- no it IS scary. We traveled with dinosaurs, jumping on dinosaurs. At some point the grown ups would also jump dinosaur to dinosaur to change directions of where we were going. It was fun!

We stayed around the news center for a while. We even named some dinosaurs! Like Bella, Kendall, Johnny and Kenji! They were helpful dinosaurs. Anyways, a few minutes later we waved goodbye to the news center with our survival bag and started jumping our way to change directions. Then Kylie asked: “Where are we going anyways?” Mom replied: “I don’t know Ky..I don’t know.” She looked a bit sad. So did all of us. That’s when I remembered! I said: “I know where we are going.” I had a brave smile on. Kylie asked: “Exactly where are we going? Smarty pants.”


