Chapter 4: Not Safe, No Place

Nyamat Boparai
3 min readApr 28, 2022
Photo by: Imron Hamsyah’s Images

Somehow the T-Rex managed to get in and separated the grownups and the kids! Me, Kylie and Maisie managed to stay together and we ran out in a panic. Behind me I heard a faint voice say: “Channel 8 News Building!” That’s when it hit me. Literally. I pulled Maisie and Kylie together and said: “WE NEED TO GO TO CHANNEL 8’s NEWS CENTER, NOW!

Kylie and Maisie asked: WHY? I replied: NO TIME FOR QUESTIONS! I frantically turned and twisted, but nothing! Maisie and Kylie started standing on their tip-toes, I copied them, My eyes twitching towards different buildings, But we could not find it. Kylie asked: HOW are we supposed to find the news center if we don’t know which street it is on! Me and Maisie gasped together. I replied: It’s on fiddle street and its address is 2014!

Kylie asked: How do you know that? Maisie said: At the very end right before the commercial break they quickly tell their location! We looked at what street we were on. I kept studying the street. It felt like my eyes went blurry and I couldn’t read. While I was doing that Kylie and Maisie kept bugging me no matter what I said. “Uh-UH AMY, TURN AROUND” When I finally turned around…It snarled at me! IT WAS A T-REX!

Out of complete luck, I saw fiddle street behind the T-rex to the right! I pointed at fiddle street and ran towards it, without looking back. Maisie and Kylie desperately went after me. The T-Rex ran after us, stomping and making us jump into the air! We all fell because we took a strong turn and quickly helped each other up. We ran and ran, as fast as our legs could carry us. We were completely scratched all over, but full of hope. I saw the News Centre! But the T-Rex was going to crash into it and we’ll lose everyone, our family, innocent people, EVERYONE!

I said (completely out of breath): We need to lure the T-Rex away from the News Center! And I saw our parents watching us. We ran crazy falling and tumbling! We reached a lake at the edge of the city! I saw our parents chasing us in the distance. We all jumped into the water! We thought we would be heroes. Then we looked around while holding our breath. Luckily all of us can hold our breath for a really long time. We looked around in the water and the T-Rex was gone! We looked at each other and did an underwater high five!

But when we looked back in front of us….WE SAW THE….THE…MOSASAUR!!!!!! AAHHHHHHH

(A mosasaurus is an underwater *REPTILE* (not dinosaur) which is HUGE!) (Which in the first book we went to the mosasaurus exhibit) It almost chomped us! But..Luckily just in the nick of time our parents pulled us out. Phew. We all ran towards the News Center! My legs felt sore and I didn’t even know how I was running! When we finally got sheltered In the News Center we got first aid because we were very injured.

After being healed, we had breakfast. I had a bagel with some mango juice because I wasn’t too hungry. Maisie had a piece of toast and scrambled eggs and Kylie had a cereal bar. After breakfast a news reporter came up to us and said: “You know…the news is still going and it is about to start…and you girls saved a whole building with a lot of people in it..and..I recorded you and posted it on the news, so would you like to be interviewed? We all said at the same time: Yes!

She replied: Wonderful! Where are your parents? Kylie called our parents and they said: “sure!” So that was like my very first time being on the news and our parents recorded us backstage and how we looked on TV. She began to ask: “How did you have so much courage to save hundreds of peoples lives?” I said: “Well, our family was in that building too, so it kinda motivated us.” Maisie said: And I probably wasn’t ready to let what I started get any worse. and Kylie said: “Yeah and we couldn’t imagine losing our families and people.” and so on. It was kinda boring and exciting.


